

An overbite, also called “buck teeth” is identified when the upper teeth protrude over the lower teeth.

Types of Overbites:

Vertical Overbite – the top teeth significantly overlap the bottom teeth.
Horizontal Overbite – the top teeth protrude over the bottom teeth.
While an overbite is diagnosed as vertical or horizontal, some patients exhibit signs of both types.

Symptoms of an Overbite:

  1. Appearance related
  2. Difficulty with jaw opening
  3. Discomfort while biting or chewing
  4. Jaw pain
  5. Speech challenges

What Causes an Overbite?

  1. Thumb sucking
  2. Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  3. Tongue thrusters
  4. Pacifier use
  5. TMD

How Does an Overbite Affect the Body:

  1. Breathing challenges
  2. Difficulty or pain when chewing
  3. Gum disease
  4. TMD
  5. Tooth decay and cavities
  6. Speech problems

Did You Know ?

Approximately 38% of the general population has a type of orofacial myofunctional disorder.